Microsoft FrontPage 97
Microsoft FrontPage 97
On October 7, 1996, Microsoft released the Microsoft FrontPage 97 WYSIWYG website editor.
The program included new features such as import Web Wizard, ability to edit raw HTML source code, database Connection Wizard, color-coded HTML source code, preview in browser functionality, support for ActiveX controls, Java applets, Netscape plug-ins, JavaScript/VBScript. HTML tags supported: marquee, watermark, background sounds, insert video (AVI), page margins, horizontal rule colors, and more.
Microsoft FrontPage 97 with Bonus Pack included also Microsoft Image Composer 1.0, Microsoft Personal Web Server, Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard, Internet Explorer 3.0.
Release Date
- October 7, 1996
System Requirements
- Windows 95
- Windows NT
- At least 486-66 (Pentium 75 recommended)
- 16 MB of RAM, minimum (32 MB recommended)
- 30-50 MB of free disk space for an installation
- At least 200 MB of free disk space
- A sound card
- CD-ROM drive
- 14,400 bps (28,800 bps recommended)
- $109 for users of Microsoft Office for Windows® 95 and Microsoft Office 97 applications
- $149 for all other users